Thursday, February 20, 2014

Membership and Eagles

Isn't. This. Epic?
I'm getting membership! My mom agreed to get it online, so I am probably going to become a member tomorrow!!!!
Anyways, today's update totally frustrated me. Nonmembers don't get anything! If eagles are going to be ten diamonds, if anything is going to be ten diamonds, why can't nonmembers get them too? Also, dear AJHQ, if you're going to give an exclusive gift for members on some months, why can't you keep it exclusive? NO. FAIR. Keep rares rares, and betas betas. Millions of jammers agree with me. Sincerely, ANGRY JAMMER

So, act like this is a totally different thing:
This blog will soon be updated, with an 'about me' page for lots of jammers (beginning with me, alex656, luckypenny, and firemansamisawesome). There will also be a 'AJMV' page, with music videos by myself and others. The blog button will return, starting with 'The Animal Jam Hail' (congrats, its first blog mention!) and there will also be a codes and rumors pages with posts and videos updated often. This blog is blooming yet! the link for this blog (of course) is !
Remember, mention this blog in YOUR posts, YOUR comments, to YOUR buddies and in YOUR chat.
Actually, I'm fine if you don't. Telling your friends or just veiwing this blog is fine with me. I enjoy my faithful veiwers.

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